SMWW has afforded me the opportunity to garner pearls of wisdom through it's dynamic course. The flexibility alone has allowed me to digest the material and to become one with the ethical compass that it preaches to future agents, such as myself. Dr. Lashbrook is a resevoir of knowledge concering the sports industry that motivates students to achieving their goal of becoming a sport agent.
Sports Broadcasting FAQ

It will help you get a job in Sports Broadcasting. The keyword here is help. For the entire eight week course you will be in a class speaking with Dei Lynam, Sports Broadcasting Veteran, Dr. Lynn Lashbrook, and sports broadcasting guest speakers, but other participants who are interested in furthering their career in professional sports broadcasting. This is your opportunity to be mentored by those individuals who are highly regarded in Sports Broadcasting. Dei Lynam will lead discussions that will advance your career. You always hear, "it isn't what you know, it's who you know." Well, the Sports Broadcasting Course will not only get YOU the "who you know," but in addition the "what you know!"
You will also be networking with fellow students who are interested in improving their knowledge of the business of Sports Broadcasting. More importantly, you will be learning techniques and strategies that professional sports teams and sports broadcasting networks are currently using.
The course content includes cutting-edge theories being used by the top sports announcers and sports talk show hosts today. The course will give you information that will make you an asset to any team or sports network, no matter how large or small the market. It will give you the tools to do your own Sports Talk Show or the play by play for the team. Will it directly get you a job at ESPN radio, or as the play by play announcer for the New York Yankees? Talking the insider language and knowing the political game is going to be a huge asset, but you still have to promote yourself. The knowledge you learn from the course and the contacts that you make might be the clincher to beating out your competition for those coveted sports broadcasting internships and entry-level positions! Or you might end up doing the play by play for your local minor league team. Your passion and enthusiasm combined with this course and the Sports Management Worldwide network will open many doors for you.
What kind of jobs will this help prepare me for?
Sports Broadcasting jobs in all sports from the majors to the high school level:
- Sports Radio jobs
- Sports talk show host
- Play by play announcer
- Sports Newscaster
- Sports TV jobs
- Weekly Coaches shows
- National and regional network jobs
- ESPN, NCAA, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, MLB, minor league teams, international teams, high school…the list is endless!
What will the course project involve?
The course project you will be involved with will be designed specifically to meet your goals. This depends on where you live and what connections we have in your area. For some of you, it might be doing the play by play for a local school and selling ads on that broadcast. For others, it might be a job shadow at a major network or assisting with a play by play for a minor league team. You will work with our faculty to design something that gives you the results you are personally trying to achieve. In the end, your course project will be designed to further YOUR sports career.
Do I really get to talk to Dei Lynam weekly?
Throughout the eight week course, Dei Lynam will lead a live interactive video chat via the internet. This is an hour-long weekly question and answer, live video discussion with your instructors and your fellow students. In addition, several guest speakers will participate in the chats including well-known sports announcers and sports talk radio show favorites. If you miss a chat they are archived and you can listen when it is convenient for you.
Can I be the next Bob Costas, Jack Buck, Harry Cary, or Howard Cosell?
Maybe! The start to any great Sports Broadcasting Career begins with passion and being willing to work hard to achieve your goal. The Sports Broadcasting Course is designed to take you to the next level whatever that may be. For some of you, it will be working with a major league team or major network, for others, it will be getting your foot in the door as an intern, while some of you will start your own broadcasts at a local high school. Job experience and who you know is important. Sports are experiencing huge growth nationally and internationally. Sports talk shows, sports play by play and sports radio shows are popping up in new markets daily and need people trained with the most updated information and innovative ideas.
If you want to enhance "what you know" and "who you know" this is a great place to start.
What's the difference between Sports Sales and Marketings Course and the Sports Broadcasting Course?
The Sports Revenue Management Course assists students in not only learning what they need to know to get an entry-level job in any professional sports organization but also requires that a course project be done with a major or minor league team. The Sports Sales and Marketing course will teach ticket sales to sponsorship sales by creating contacts in the sports field. Students who take this course generally want a job as soon as possible in the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, NCAA, NASCAR, or the NHL. The weekly chats focus on who's hiring, and what professional teams are looking for in a new hire. Instructors use their contacts in the sports world to assist students in getting sports jobs.
The Sports Broadcasting Course is pure sports announcing. You'll learn play by play, sports broadcasting, sports reporting, and techniques and strategies to put together an entire sports broadcast. Still confused about which course you should take to secure a job in professional sports? Call our offices at 1-877-SMWW-Now. Sports Management Worldwide has numerous training programs that can get you your dream job in sports.
Do I need any special equipment or books for the course?
The books for the course are sent directly to your home from the SMWW office. Some of the books or materials are so specific that they are either out of print or not sold in any bookstore. You will need a computer with access to the internet.
This all sounds too high tech for me. I don't know very much about computer technology.
Don't worry. We have many students who have felt the same way. SMWW has a technical support team that knows computers and can get your microphone working, even if you didn't know you had one. As long as you have a computer and access to the internet, we can help you with the rest!
How old do I have to be to take this course?
18 or older.
Do I need a college degree to take this course?
Do you have more questions?
Call the office and ask! 1-877-SMWW-Now in the US or Canada. In London at +44(0) 871 288 4799. Everywhere else at +1-503-445-7105