Sports Administration FAQ

The world of High School education is changing drastically. Student-Athletes are going into the professional sports directly out of high school, physical education classes are being cut while obesity in children is on the rise, budgets are continually shrinking, and parents are becoming "coaches".
We believe that the New Era Athletic Director is someone who is aware of these issues and equipped with the knowledge to deal with them. The Athletic Director course teaches you new revenue streams, corporate sponsorships, NCAA recruiting guidelines as well as preparing you to be a leader of the community.
If I have no experience as a Sports Administrator will this course be beneficial?
The great thing about the Sports Administration course is that the weekly live video chats allow you to interact with colleagues who have been in the industry for years and are looking for new answers to old problems. You are able to share ideas and experiences with persons of all different backgrounds. Dr. Lashbrook himself has thirteen years of experience as a University Assistant Athletic Director and Athletic Director. The innovative chat format makes it beneficial for coaches, teachers, parents, current sports administrators, and future sports administrators.
I am currently a coach or athletic director, how will this help me?
If you are interested in creating income for your sports program, this course will give you the tools needed. Any sports organization can use these tools and on a very small budget grow their fan base, promote their teams, and create income. YES, you read that correctly, CREATE INCOME. Help your community get more connected to your team and your coaching staff via this unique opportunity that also can be a fundraiser!
Do you have more questions?
Call the office and ask! 1-877-SMWW-Now in the US or Canada. In London at +44(0) 871 288 4799. Everywhere else at +1-503-445-7105